Thursday, May 14, 2009

Beth Buzzes about blogging

Today I am thinking about blogging. I have just created my second blog. I can't remember where my first blog is. ;-) This may tell you that I find other things in my life take more priority than blogging. But, I am trying to enter the 21st century in the library world and it seems I need to get more enthusiastic about new trends. I'm on Facebook--how else can you keep up with your kids? I can't imagine life without the Internet or the library databases, so I think this is a good start for blogging. I am also reminded of a guest on David Letterman a week or two ago. Michael Keaton was talking about trying to keep up with technology and Twitter, and said the thing he wouldn't do is blog because he didn't like the sound of the word!


  1. hehe...You know, there's a way to blog on Facebook, too. Notes. ;-)

  2. Well, I tend to lurk on Facebook--not much blogging on my part. Maybe that will change?

  3. Blog, Smog, Blob, Glob...I'm with Michael Keaton about the word... but I might actually blog someday... maybe I'll call it something else.

  4. I love it. I find it is a nice place to vent or reflect. I don't find I blog much about work, mostly kids and extended family. Check out mine out at

  5. Haha! You should read my first post on my NT23 blog...
